Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Last GDC Presentation at GDC 2012

今年GDC應該是我最後一次的GDC演講了, 至少是最後一次以AMD的身分演講了, 講的是去年下半年幫UE3所做的一些最佳化, 有興趣的人可以來聽聽.

Following the release of DirectX 11 features for Unreal Engine 3 (UE3) last year, AMD has done a number of code submissions to further enhance graphics features in UE3. This presentation will cover each code submission in detail: tessellation, multi-monitor support, vertex shader-based Bokeh Depth of Field (DOF) and post-processing Anti-Aliasing.

Tessellation: Describes the new Phong tessellation mode that was added into UE3 as well as optimization options that were imported into the material editor. How to implement tessellation optimizations in the material editor without touching the shader code will also be covered.

Multi-monitor Support: The ever-improving affordability of LCD monitors combined with the level of performance found in recent GPUS are enabling more and more gamers to take full advantage of the PC Gaming experience by upgrading their system to a multi-monitor gaming setup like AMD Eyefinity. This presentation will describe how UE3 licensees can easily add multi-monitor support in their titles with minimal code changes. Considerations regarding Frustum updates and the scaling of on-screen elements such as HUD and menus will also be covered.

Vertex Shader Based Bokeh DOF: Last year, UE3 released a stunning DirectX 11 feature: Bokeh DOF. This feature makes use of the geometry shader to render a massive number of point sprites. Unfortunately the use of the Geometry Shader is subject to hardware limitations and can suffer from performance considerations that can impact the efficiency of this technique. This topic covers how the same effect was implemented using vertex shader and was made to work on both DX9 and DX11.

Post-processing AA: This topic will cover the new UE3 post-processing Fullscreen Anti-Aliasing features: FXAA and MLAA. We will focus on how to setup MLAA and what the differences are between MLAA and FXAA.


  1. 為什麼會是最後一次呢? 我今年剛好也有機會前往GDC,我ㄧ定會進場當你的聽眾的!!

  2. 因為家裡因素, 今年要搬回台灣了, 所以這是最後一次演講了.
    歡迎你過來聽, 這場是所有人都可以來聽的. 不過如果你沒有在用UE3的話可能幫助就不大了, 不能過來聽也沒關係, 我們可以找個時間出去吃個飯聊聊如何?

  3. 你搬回台灣後,台灣的程序員便有福了!

  4. 我一直以為你要去Crytek了呢

  5. 聽說德國稅率是50%以上, 還是放棄好了, 哈哈.
    回台灣後應該是失業狀態, 呵, 也許會考慮做自己的遊戲吧(也就是俗稱的獨立製作啦).

  6. 用Lynx Engine來開發遊戲吧!! 台灣大部分遊戲公司都選擇用Unity來製作APP,Owen大大用Lynx來爭一口氣

  7. 當然會用LynxEngine來開發囉, 目前已經有幾個遊戲在製作中, 等更接近完成時會在這邊跟大家分享的 :)

  8. 對了,Own大大如果在GDC有機會的話,我們可以找個時間一起吃頓飯。我雖然跟公司一起去,不過應該還是有個人時間的。

  9. To CoderEllis :
    你們公司應該也是做遊戲的吧? 跟你們同事一起吃個飯聊聊也是OK的.到時用email連絡吧, 我email :

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  11. 當顧問就好了啊..

  12. 台灣遊戲公司似乎很少會找顧問呢....
    不過主要還是想做自己遊戲啦, 目前大概確定會先當個全職的獨立開發者吧
